Blog #13

Fall Prevention Spotlight

Falls occur in the home most frequently in the aging population due to various risk factors and account for millions of dollars annually for hospitalization costs.  According to the CDC, 3 million older people are treated in the emergency room each year due to fall related injuries.1 In addition, at least 300,000 older people each year are hospitalized due to hip fractures with 95% resulting from a fall.1 Risk factors have been identified that can be modified or changed that may help decrease your risk for falls. 

Removal of throw rugs, using night lights from your bedroom to your bathroom, and installing grab bars in the toilet and shower areas are simple solutions to prevent falls. Also, consider yearly vision screenings and discussing your medications with your medical doctor; especially, if new symptoms of dizziness occur.  You may also be at risk for falls if you suffer from lower extremity weakness and/or poor balance. The CDC indicates that 1 in 5 falls results in a serious injury, such as a broken bone.1

Recent research suggests the most effective physical therapy approach for the prevention of falls and fractures in older adults is regular exercise with a combination of strength and balance.2 In addition, calf strength has been shown to be particular important in improving balance, functional abilities and decreasing risk for falls.3 Ask your medical doctor about physical therapy to see if its right for you.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention- Homepage. April 2020.
  2. Physical Therapy Approaches to Reduce Fall and Fracture Risk Among Older Adults. [Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2010;(6)7:396-407]  
  3. A Prospective Cohort Study on the Effect of a Balance Training Program, Including Calf Muscle Strengthening, in Community-Dwelling Older Adults [J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2016;39(3):125-131] 

Blog #12

Daryl, why Is there so much fishing stuff in your offices?

I get asked this a lot, so please let me explain. For those of you who don’t know, I have been passionate about fishing since I can remember. I don’t know why, but it has always been in my blood. I have memories of fishing with my dad that I will cherish forever. I have stories; lots of stories that I will readily share and can bring laughter and humor to any situation. I can spend hours fishing, without catching anything, and still feel fulfilled (my friends will tell you that this happens more than not). As an adult, I began to notice that the more time and effort that I put into fishing, the better my results. I have won fishing tournaments competing against people with boats three times as big as mine, who could literally use my boat as a dingy. I have spent hundreds of hours of time in the garage prepping for fishing trips, trying to make each experience perfect. I tie each knot meticulosly. My knots are researched to ensure maximum breaking strength, and I retie every knot after use and/or travel, even if the rods dont get used.. I take proper care of my tackle and I appreciate what I have. My fishing supplies are neat and organized and meant to mazimize fishing time when on the water. I have all the necessary safety equipment, and I am always well prepared. I enjoy being around other people who love to fish.

Honestly, I do not get to fish nearly as much as I would like. But I have found a way to channel my passion into my work life. The way I care for fishing is much like the way I care for PT Professionals. I have been passionate about the company and its reputation from the start. The more time I invest into it, the better it performs. Our results and patient satisfaction surveys are literally among the best in the world, yet we are such a small operation. I am constantly thinking about how to make PT Professionals better. I am always thinking about the safety of our staff and patients. We are well structured and organized, in an effort to maximize time with each patient. I enjoy being around and working with other people who are as passionate about physical therapy and patient results as I am.

You see it’s the same to me. I get the same satisfaction when PT Professionals is thriving as I get from a great fishing trip. The fishing decor and nautical theme in the room is a reminder of this. Believe it or not, the theme was actually Shauna’s idea. She even went as far as orchestrating the floor color to be like the ocean, and the walls to be like beach sand. She knew that I would be spending a lot of time at work when we first opened, and she felt that the nautical theme would help me to be more relaxed. She was right!!

Interestingly, Shauna is also passionate about fishing. She did not have the same experience with fishing that I had as a child, but introducing her to fishing has ignited a passion in her as well. It also appears that my children have inherited this fishing DNA, and they both can readily throw a “pancake” with a castnet. So here’s to making memories both on the water and in PT Professionals.